
How to Get Bats Out of Your Home without Hurting Them?

If your house is located near a natural bat habitat or woodland, while this can be a great way to observe wild animals, it can also be a little too close to them. If a bat accidentally enters your house, don't worry, they are docile little animals that won't attack you. Don't rush to call a pest control company, either. In this article we'll look at some ways to get bats out of your house without harming them.

Why do bats enter your house and how to avoid them?

Bats rarely enter houses during the day. They are more active at night. This is why there are more reports of bats breaking into houses at night. Bats prey on various insects at night. If your door or window is open and the lights are on, the lights will attract many insects for bats to prey on .

You can keep doors and windows closed at night, especially if you notice bat activity around the house. You can also install one-way bat tubes to keep bats out , which have a large opening but a small exit so that once a bat is out, it can't get back in.

Use natural insect repellents

Bats are protected mammals in many states, so when you consider using an insect repellent to keep them away, avoid using chemical repellents, which can harm them. Opt for natural scents like cinnamon or eucalyptus and peppermint essential oils, which bats are very sensitive to.

Encourage them to leave naturally

Open any windows or doors near bat roosts at night when they are active. If bats have access to a wide open space, they are more likely to fly out. You can also place a fan at the entrance to blow air outside. Bats don't like drafts and may fly out if they feel uncomfortable.

Do-it-yourself bat removal

When you are ready to remove a bat yourself, avoid direct contact with it. If you try to grab it with your hands, it may feel threatened and resist, or even bite you. They are potential carriers of rabies (although the chance is very low), so you should take full protective measures, wear thick protective gloves, and handle bats gently, as their wings and feet are very fragile.

Alternatively, you can use a dip net to capture the bat and then release it outside without harming it. Use the dip net when the bat is still and at the right moment to capture it, and do not try to catch it while it is flying.

Seek professional help

I understand that many people are at a loss when faced with such a notorious little creature, and if you can't handle it on your own, you can contact your state's Department of Natural Resources and there may be a professional biologist who can help you remove bats from your home. Or you can contact a professional bat removal expert, search online and find their contact information. Remember, don't harm them, they are not pests, they are effective pest control experts. Maybe they are just looking for a warm environment to roost, or they have mistakenly entered your house. When you release them, make sure the temperature outside the house is suitable for them to survive.


Create an alternative home for the bats

Bats are important creatures in the ecosystem, and while you may not want them in your home, you can still provide them with a safe alternative habitat. Purchase and install several bat houses for them to provide a warm and safe home for those little guys who are looking for a roost. You can install them in a quiet, dark area outside your home, such as near a tree or on the side of a building. By providing alternative roosting, you will not only help the bats, but you will also help control the insect and mosquito population around your home , which is good for you and your family as well as the local ecosystem.

Final Thoughts

Although it may be unsettling to have bats unexpectedly enter your house, there are many ways to keep them out without harming them. You can also provide them with a dedicated habitat and make them your neighbors. These flying creatures will help you control pests and help you build a healthy backyard ecosystem.

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